Hofstede model



power distance 

67% , Colombia is a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are simply a fact of life.

we can see that in Colombia inequality is accepted but Netherlands doesn't accept that means that they have equality

38% , this means that they have equal rights, superiors accessible, coaching leader, management facilitates and empowers.


13% , the Colombians are a highly collectivistic people

For Colombians group’s opinion is very important but Netherlands is an Individualist society 

80% , his people have  a high preference for a loosely-knit social framework


14% , the society will be driven by competition defined by the winner or best in field

in colombia we don't have that balance that netherlands have we don't have a middle way to make things 

64% ,It is critical in feminine nations to maintain a work/life balance, and you ensure that everyone is included.

Uncertainty Avoidance

80% , this means that Emotions are openly expressed and rules are not necessary followed

changing the status is impossible unless a powerful figure can mobilize a large group of people and lead them to change.

53% ,Individual motivation is fueled by an internal desire to be busy and work hard; precision and punctuality are expected; security is a vital component of individual motivation

Long term Orientation

13% , They have a high regard for tradition, a low proclivity to invest for the future, and a deep urge to get things done fast.

Colombians cling to what is already established while in the other country they adapt.

67% , people believe that truth depends very much on the situation, context and time. They show an ability to easily adapt traditions to changed conditions


83%                                                                                    68% 

both have a high score They have an upbeat outlook and a proclivity for optimism. Furthermore, they are free to do as they please and use their money as they see fit.



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